*** official website coming soon! ***

“First she tasted the porridge of the Great Big Bear, and that was too hot for her. Next she tasted the porridge of the Middle-sized Bear, but that was too cold for her. And then she went to the porridge of the Little Wee Bear, and tasted it, and that was neither too hot nor too cold, but just right, and she liked it so well that she ate it all up, every bit!”

Just Right is a literary agency specialising in children’s books from Italy: picture books, middle grade and YA fiction. We handle subsidiary rights for some of the most refined independent Italian children’s publishing houses. Among them: Camelozampa, winner of 2020 BOP - Bologna Prize for the Best Children’s Publisher of the Year for Europe; Edizioni Corsare, a children’s publisher awarded with international prizes; IdeeStortePaper, a Sicilian publishing house, whose keywords are originality, creativity, utmost quality. Just Right also represents some bestselling Italian children’s authors and illustrators, translated into many languages.

Come and meet us at Frankfurt Book Fair 2024!

Michela Bennici ● Sara Saorin ● Francesca Segato

© 2024 JUST RIGHT srl
Rome - Italy
VAT n° IT 17472751001


The Just Right logo was created by Neil Packer.